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CIN is U92419KA2021PTC148643.

BIG ROCK CAMPING PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private Limited Company that is incorporated as a Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Bangalore. BIG ROCK CAMPING PRIVATE LIMITED is a recently registered company in Activities additional to financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding.

BIG ROCK CAMPING PRIVATE LIMITED held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) once in the year in which they submit all financial record to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) by preparing ROC Filing and submit it in MCA with the registrar of the companies.

Directors of BIG ROCK CAMPING PRIVATE LIMITED have to submit DIR KYC to MCA every year.

BIG ROCK CAMPING PRIVATE LIMITED Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is mentioned in below table.

BIG ROCK CAMPING PRIVATE LIMITED email Id is mentioned in the below table.

BIG ROCK CAMPING PRIVATE LIMITED other details such as incorporation date, its authorized capital, its issued capital, Director’s details, company address, and company contact details are mentioned in the below table.

Current status of BIG ROCK CAMPING PRIVATE LIMITED is – Active.

CIN U92419KA2021PTC148643
ROC CodeRoC-Bangalore
Registration Number148643
Company CategoryCompany limited by Shares
Company SubCategoryNon-govt company
Class of CompanyPrivate
Authorised Capital(Rs)1000000
Paid up Capital(Rs)50000
Number of Members(Applicable in case of company without Share Capital)0
Date of Incorporation22/06/2021
Registered AddressBereshwara Inlay, Kurubarahalli Gate Vemagal, Narasapura Road Kolar Kolar KA 563157 IN
Address other than R/o where all or any books of account and papers are maintained
Email Idcorporate@spiceroutebusiness.com
Whether Listed or notUnlisted
ACTIVE compliance
Suspended at stock exchange
Date of last AGM
Date of Balance Sheet
Company Status(for efiling)Active


Assets under chargeCharge AmountDate of CreationDate of ModificationStatus
No Charges Exists for Company/LLP

Directors/Signatory Details

DIN/PANNameBegin dateEnd dateSurrendered DIN
09211407Muniswamappa Prakash22/06/2021
09211408CHETHAN HARISH22/06/2021

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